Foggy Vision

By: Justin Beville

A few things took place as I drove home from work the other night. The weather was hot/humid, so I naturally blasted the car ac while blasting the next podcast up (I live on the edge). Listening to podcasts may not be your thing, but you likely blast the ac if it is available.

I am thankful for my glasses because of what they do. I would struggle mightily to see without my glasses. A short fifteen minute ride home from work is more than enough time to cool off my glasses frame and lenses. Upon exiting the vehicle, my glasses are blindsided by a temperature change that causes my glasses to fog up. You likely have experienced this if you wear glasses. It likely has caused your glasses to fog up while wearing a mask during the Covid-19 season too. The end result is not being able to see.

This debilitating moment has the same effect that kryptonite has on Superman. I wish I could say that you would get your superpowers back, but eventually your glasses clear up allowing you to see once again.

Covid-19 has blindsided churches, schools, businesses, sports, and much more. Restaurants have had to rethink how they provide food service. Churches have had to think through online worship and strategies to regather safely. Sports temporarily stopped and are slowly resuming with added safety measures. Much of what we knew in 2019 may not function the same for a while. When vision is foggy and the end appears to not be in sight, how should we go forward?

Foggy vision does not have to function as your game over. Here are five ways that businesses, churches, or any other organization can continue to implement vision and strategy, hopefully resulting in making forward strides:

1. Refuse to Sit Back and Do Nothing

Sitting back and doing nothing should be reserved for fishing and watching paint dry. Okay, honestly both of those require work. However, sitting back without a moving forward plan is not healthy. Whether we are in ministry or a local business, we have to have a plan and understand that the plan could quickly change. A plan that has to be tweaked is better than running aimlessly through the woods.

2. Plan Strategically for the Now

Planning five years out may not be the best move right now. A good leader focuses on the future, but it may not be wise to plan too far ahead. I honestly plan ahead. My teaching schedule is mostly outlined for the next school year. I also am cognitive of the ever changing landscape of our current world. Therefore, I have a contingency plan that allows changes to the now as needed.

3. Walk, Don’t Run

Walking enables you to see more of the changing landscape. A runner may get somewhere faster, but they also might quickly run themself into danger. A walker is able to see the landscape and adjust at a much different pace than a runner. Runners have a higher risk of getting injured with quick unplanned movements. Unless you are competing for Olympic gold, walk, but do not drag your feet. A steady walk continues to make strides forward.

4. Don’t Be Afraid of Asking for Help

This is a kicker for most people. Some people just don’t want to ask for help. Asking for help may be the difference between lenses beginning to defrost or still remaining foggy. A stride forward may require some humility and willingness to step back and say, “I need help”.

5. If you Fall off the Bike, Get Back up and Try Again

You are likely going to try something new that falls flat. It may even be a complete embarrassment. Everyone is trying something new or tweaking something to account for this season of life. Hiccups are going to happen and things will ultimately not work and that is okay. Kids fall off bikes often, but the goal is to get back on and try again. You may need to shake off the nerves and regroup, but do not resort to the stationary bike that takes you nowhere.

Your vision may be foggy heading into the fall of 2020. Likely, the vision has changed a thousand times over the summer alone. Keep pressing and continue to strive to do everything with excellence. Do not be afraid of trying something new and be willing to be flexible. Whether you are in a church or a business, the goal is to press forward with your mission while adjusting the vision as needed.

What would you add to the list? How has your vision changed over the last several months? What would you do differently?

Are You Phased Out?

By: Justin Beville

The Flash (Barry Allen) has a wide array of skills that make him the Flash. The world’s fastest man can do more than just run fast. One skill that he had to master goes by the name of phasing. Barry Allen changes his molecular vibration frequency to pass through spaces. For example, Barry can phase through glass walls or brick buildings by vibrating at a specific frequency.

Some of you may be wishing that you can phase right out of 2020. Unlike the Flash, the phases we are experiencing are not for show and tell. The earth is still rotating and tilted on the same frequency that it was in 2019 and every year before. Humans are having to adjust our frequency of life in 2020. While things are picking back up, much of our world vibrated at a far different frequency than ever before. We were forced to slow down. Many transitioned to working from home. A lot of people lost their job because of a world-wide pandemic.

Phases of reopening are developing at different paces throughout our country and the world. Get familiar to this word “phase” because you likely will hear it for quite some time. Christian, do not miss what is at stake here. While we would love to get back to normal, let me remind you of what this season of life has taught us.

Christian, you may have experienced sabbath for the first time. The world likely had full control of your calender prior to Covid-19. Between school activities, sports, leisure, family, and a wide array of other things, you likely were busy. This phase of life has taught me that sabbath is good and necessary. I need to slow down and so do you!

Christian, many of you have seen your family in a manner you never thought possible. Family dinner and movie nights became the norm for your family. Maybe you talked more and shared more of your burdens. Families joined in praying together and worshipping together online. Maybe your family worshipped together for the first time in a long time. I do not want to discount that this season of added stress may of pushed families apart. I implore you to fight hard for unity. This season or phase does not need to negatively define your marriage or family. Pray and ask God for help.

Christian, this season of life may have strengthened your faith journey. Maybe you were slipping away and getting drawn into the things of this world. Maybe you stopped going to church and you got enlightened by the beauty of the Gospel on Facebook Live. Praise God for the great things He is doing in your life.

Christian, do not take life for granted. Many people have lost their life or a loved one during this season. We are given one life to live on earth. Take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way. The world is lost and many need the saving blood of Jesus. People are open to hearing the truth as they wrestle with the emotions of dealing with a Covid-19 world.

This season of life has taught me much. It has also drawn me closer to Him. Personally, I would eliminate the word Phase immediately. However, I am reminded and thankful that I have a God who loved me enough to provide a phase three. God created (phase 1), man sinned (phase 2) and God promised a Savior who would be phase three (Genesis 3:15). The world needs to hear about phase three. The world needs Jesus. Phase four will be a beautiful site for those who are in Christ Jesus as this world is made new and restored to its original design. Phase four is coming, but many of our friends and family are caught up in the attraction of phase two (sin). Be bold, be faithful, and share the message of hope that can only be found in phase three (Jesus).